Michigan Residents: How to Help Get SB 945 Passed

SB 945 was introduced by Senator Jeff Irwin, to reduce excessive force by police officers, and strengthen community-police relations.

How? Under this legislation, incoming police officers would have mandatory training on:

- Implicit bias

- Violence de-escalation

- Mental health screening

Many Michigan police forces have this training, but not before cops can put on a badge. This bill would add these elements to certification requirements from MCOLES-the state commission that certifies cops.

SB 945 has now been referred to the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee. It needs to be passed with a favorable recommendation to reach senate. We need four Senators to vote favorably THIS THURSDAY, 6/3, for the bill to then go to the Senate.

The first step is to write/call their offices and express support for this bill. An outline of what you can say is below:

Dear Senator _____,

I know that tomorrow you will be voting on SB 945. I am writing to express my support for the bill as a Michigan resident, hoping that you echo that same support, and will help in getting this important legislation passed.

What’s happening in our country and state is a matter of human rights. It isn’t a political talking point, it is a conversation that is rooted in humanity and equality.

Ensuring that the training of implicit bias, violence de-escalation & mental health are a part of the MCOLES certification is a crucial step to keep our communities safe, especially those that are predominantly black.

With similar training in place, The Dallas Police Department reported an 18% decrease in the use of force just one year after the first training. The Las Vegas Police Department saw a 50% decrease in police-involved shootings in four years. This training works, and Michigan residents deserve more security in their safety.

Will you be supporting this bill? I look forward to your response.

Members of the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee

Peter Lucido (R-Chair) senplucido@senate.michigan.gov | 855.347.8008

Curt Vanderwall (R) sencvanderwall@senate.michigan.gov | 517.373.1725

Tom Barrett (R) sentbarrett@senate.michigan.gov | 517.373.3447

Ruth Johnson senrjohnson@senate.michigan.gov | 517.373.1636

Jim Runestad (R) senjrunestad@senate.michigan.gov | 517.373.1758

Stephanie Chang (D) senschang@senate.michigan.gov | 517.373.7346

Jeff Irwin (D)- Introduced the Bill

You’re likely going to get a voicemail- leave a message- for every single one. Or send an email- whatever you do, be heard. Be the change. Be better.